
9 Must-have Features for an eCommerce Website in 2020

In today’s time, eCommerce is one of the most feasible business models for the outreach and opportunities it provides to many budding startups. This growing trend is certainly catching up with all. With the rising competition, more and more eCommerce enterprises are coming up with new ideas to stand out and attract customers. However, no matter how unique and attractive your website is, if it lacks the basic features needed in today’s time then even your best idea and marketing strategy can fail miserably.

This article brings you face to face with the fundamental and advance features that are necessary to expose your brand in a highly competitive arena and increase conversion rates in 2020:

1. Mobile Friendly

Most eCommerce websites pay special attention to their desktop application and forget that a responsive website is an extremely crucial factor for a successful eCommerce business. Let’s look at some facts:

  • Of the total website traffic, 49% comes from mobile devices.
  • 49% of total consumers shop on their mobile phones.
  • 30% users choose mobile banking over other methods.
  • 61% of those shopping the traditional way use their mobile phones to compare prices on online stores before making a purchase.
  • By 2021, more than half of the eCommerce sales are anticipated to take place on mobile devices.

Which is why a mobile friendly website is a not a mere option but a necessity in current times. A responsive website can not only attract more customers but also facilitate browsing anywhere, anytime.

2. Order Management System

You might have a whole cornucopia of products to sell but if you can’t handle your customers and orders well then even extra freebies won’t be able to retain customers. To make sure that all your post order operations run smoothly, it is critical that you equip yourself with a good order management system that can not only manage orders but also the processes that come with them. A well-managed system means timely fulfilled orders and happy customers.

3. Content Management System

Known simply as the CMS, this is what keeps the content on the website in an arranged manner. A CMS also helps the publisher post content through handy tools that save time and energy as compared to other complicated methods. Furthermore, it also eases the process of sorting the digital content. This way, managing product catalogs and other website content becomes almost effortless.

4. Multiple Payment Options

Every customer is different and has his own preferences while shopping online. Which means that you have to provide them each with functionalities that suit their requirement best. Survey results suggest that 30% customers tend to leave a brand completely when faced with an inapplicable payment option. This can remarkably affect the conversion rate even after implementing a successful marketing strategy and a unique business idea. So, it is important to stay in tune with the trending mobile banking methods and implementing as many as possible so that making a purchase is as easy as browsing products is on your website.

5. Easy Checkout Process

According to statistics, 23% potential buyers abandon their shopping carts because of a lengthy and complicated checkout process. It is necessary for eCommerce websites to build an easy checkout process because the best of marketing strategies fail terribly when customers are unable to pass through a purchase process. Take clues from the biggest brands and find ideas on how you can shorten the process of payment so as to not only convert a potential customer into a buyer but also retain them in the long run.

6. High Resolution Images & Videos

For something that is sold on a virtual space, the product’s appeal plays an extremely important role. eCommerce sellers must remember that there is no way for the customer to touch and try the product they are selling to make up their mind. It is the just the product image and description that they have to connect with the potential buyers. So, it is critical to provide the best quality images and videos of the product because everything online is sold primarily on its face value.

7. Search Engine Optimization

There is no need to say that in todays’ time it’s either your brand value or your website’s visibility that sells your product. For fresh eCommerce entrepreneurs, SEO is of paramount value as this is what increases your website’s visibility on a search engine, eventually attracting more customers. Through smartly planned SEO strategies, conversion rates can be pushed remarkably higher.

8. Security

When a user registers with your website and makes a purchase, there is a great amount of personal data that is put at risk. Which is why user’s privacy and security is of paramount importance while building an eCommerce platform. Make sure that you follow the highest encryption standards and security practices to protect your customers’ data. eCommerce websites are the most prone to attacks which makes data protection even more critical.

9. Feedback and Reviews

Survey reports reveal that 77% customers go through customer testimonials and ratings before buying a product. Providing a feedback section to your customers on your website or application is mandatory now as this severely impacts your customer’s buying decisions. Most eCommerce websites start to sweat at the first negative comment. It is crucial to understand that negative feedback is also as necessary as positive ones.


It is safe to say that more than the graphics and advertising, it’s the basic features that actually make an eCommerce website a success story with the help of custom ecommerce development company. You can implement the best graphics, animations and 3D videos and yet fail to convince your customer if you are unable to provide a user-friendly interface. So, it is always best to research on the trends in the market to ensure that your product is offering what the customer wants.

Looking for an eCommerce solution provider? Check out our recent projects here and get in touch with us.

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